Purpose of the Course
To provide detailed knowledge of the principles and techniques used in financial decision making by professionals in corporations, financial institutions, pension and mutual funds.
Expected Learning outcomes
By the end of the course, students should be able to;
• Explain financial decisions made in a firm.
• Evaluate financial investments.
• Perform break-even analysis and other relevant financial rations.
• Execute financial ratios of a firm
Course content
Basic analytical skills; Principles of corporate finance. Functions of modern capital markets and financial institutions; standard techniques of analysis- preparation of financial reports; analyze financial statements: Content and format of annual reports, debt vs equity financing; Budgetary controls; profit planning tools. Break even analysis; financial forecasting; Cashflows; payback method, discounted Cashflow, present value index. Criterial for examining the performance of divisions and product lines. Cost of capital, risk analysis. Investment management; investment strategies; managing the financial firm;
Mode of delivery
The course will be taught through lectures, discussions and class presentations.
Instructional materials
- This will include power point presentations as well as other multimedia.
Course Assessment
Takeaway and presentations = 15%
Sit-in = 15%
University examinations = 70%
Core conference
- Jiambalvo J., Pa R. and Kidwell D. (2004)
- Financial  Decision making for managers-Wiley publishers
- Jonathan E. Ingrersoll (1987)- Theory of finance.
- Financial decision making Hardcore – John Wiley and sons